Plan, prepare

Making new year’s tax saving resolutions

At this time of year, we think about New Year’s resolutions, and it’s also a good time to start planning our tax affairs before the end of the tax year on 5 April. As you think about 2019 and your goals for the coming year, we can help to start you off on the right financial footing. It’s well worth spending some time in January to think about your money so you can achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Continue reading “Plan, prepare”

Looking at the big retirement picture

Considering making contributions ahead of the tax year end?

Investing for the future is vital if you want to enjoy a financially secure retirement, and it requires you to look at the big picture. Although pensions can be complicated, we will help you get to grips with the rules if you are considering making contributions ahead of the tax year end. Here are our top pension tax tips. Continue reading “Looking at the big retirement picture”

Wealth sharing between generations

Redefining how millennials become more financially secure

Millennials are set to redefine how wealth is shared between generations, according to new research[1]. Contrary to expectation, it is not millennials (aged 18–34) who appear to be under the greatest financial strain, with 44% saying they are ‘comfortable’ financially. In fact, the research shows they are trying to do the right thing. Continue reading “Wealth sharing between generations”

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Getting there could be easier than you think – but you’ll need to start young

Parents could make their baby an adult millionaire by starting a pension pot when they are born. Children born this year could become millionaires by their 43rd birthday if their families contribute to a pension for the first 18 years of their lives[1]. The analysis found that parents or grandparents contributing £2,880 per year (£3,600 after tax relief) until their children turn 18 years old could create a pot of £1,021,837 by 2061. The figure assumes a total contribution of £51,840, a growth rate of 8% per annum, and is net of product charges. Continue reading “Who wants to be a millionaire?”

Different life events

Solutions that work as your priorities change over the years

The future may seem far away, but you need to start planning early. Regardless of your goals, there are things you can do to increase your chances of success! We look objectively at your plans to provide solutions that work as your priorities change over the years and you go through different life events. Continue reading “Different life events”