Retirement readiness in your 50s

Now is the time to make sure you know how much you need to save

As you enter your 50s, retirement looms larger on the horizon, making it crucial to ensure your finances are optimally positioned. This stage of life demands a coordinated and joined-up approach to financial planning to enjoy retirement on your terms. An essential step is to clarify your retirement goals.
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How does pension consolidation work?

Pensions can be confusing, but there is an alternative way to help keep on top of them

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals have multiple pension plans collected over their working life. Whether through changes in employment or setting up personal pensions as a self-employed professional or contractor, managing these pensions can become challenging. Not only does this involve significant administrative effort, but the financial implications of juggling numerous plans are also considerable. Some pension schemes may suffer from uncompetitive pricing and underperforming investments, eroding retirement savings.
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Maximising returns

The power of reinvesting dividends for long-term growth

Dividends represent the portion of a company’s profits distributed to its shareholders. When you own shares in a company that declares a dividend, you receive a share of those profits. Dividends are pivotal in enhancing long-term stock market returns, offering a reliable income stream that can help mitigate short-term stock price volatility.
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Stay focused on your retirement goals

Identifying any potential financial gaps and bridging these gaps before it’s too late

Retirement is a milestone we all look forward to—a time of relaxation, free from the daily grind of work and financial stress. Achieving a comfortable retirement requires thoughtful planning and foresight. While life may present unforeseen challenges, particularly concerning health, you can take proactive steps to bolster your financial resilience and manage the unexpected.
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Understanding the rising impact of Inheritance Tax

Exploring strategies to secure your family’s financial future

The amount of Inheritance Tax (IHT) paid by families has dramatically increased over the past decade, increasing from £3.1 billion in the 2012/13 tax year[1] to £7.5 billion in the 2023/24 tax year[2]. This rise is attributed to growing asset values and stagnant IHT thresholds, coupled with many families delaying their planning. An additional IHT allowance was introduced in 2017, allowing some families to pass on more assets without incurring IHT, yet the criteria for qualification can be complex.
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Have you had a retirement conversation?

Many people do not engage in crucial conversations regarding the lifestyle they envision

As we approach one of life’s most significant transitions—retirement—many people do not engage in crucial conversations about the lifestyle they envision or assess whether they’re on track to achieve it. Recent research highlights that half of those aged 55 and over have not discussed their desired retirement lifestyle with a partner or loved one[1].
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Who pays for long-term care?

Ensure you’re well-placed to fund any future care needs

Many people prefer to avoid the subject of long-term care. Most find it hard to contemplate going into a care home when they are older, but many will do so eventually. However, planning for these potential expenses is important before they become urgent. The NHS, while a cornerstone of healthcare in the UK, only covers care costs in specific circumstances, primarily when related to medical health needs.
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Planning your path to a fulfilling retirement

Are your finances on the right track as you approach this new chapter?

As we approach our 50s and 60s, retirement looms on the horizon, promising a well-deserved break from decades of hard work. Whether your future plans include travelling, indulging in hobbies, or spending quality time with family and friends, retirement should be the longest holiday of your life. Ensuring your finances are on the right track as you approach this new chapter is crucial.
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How much financial security do you need for a happy retirement?

Financial status plays a significant role in retirement happiness

Retirement is a time many look forward to—a reward for years of hard work with the promise of relaxation and enjoyment. However, a key question persists: how much money is necessary to ensure happiness in retirement? A recent study suggests that the happiest retirees possess a pension pot of approximately £222,000, translating to an average monthly income of £1,700[1]. This income level, which includes a full State Pension, provides an annual income of around £20,400.
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