Smart plans

Living a less complicated life!

For anyone enjoying their retirement years and living a less complicated life, it can be easy to assume that you no longer require professional financial advice. Some people may believe that since they have reached their 60s and ‘retired’, the hard work is over. Continue reading “Smart plans”

Life after work

Planning for the retirement you deserve

Over time, with life expectancy and the cost of living rising, it could mean that some retirees are at risk of running out of pension income in later life. So what can you do to make sure that you have a big enough pension to meet your needs for the whole of your retirement? Continue reading “Life after work”

Retirement options

Greater responsibility on individuals to plan for financial security in old age

Deciding what to do with your pension pot is one of the most important decisions you will ever make for your future. The ‘pension freedom’ changes of April 2015 represented a complete shake-up of the UK’s pensions system, giving people much more control over their pension savings than before. Continue reading “Retirement options”

Millennials get real with the numbers

Making sacrifices for home ownership over retirement

Millennials are chasing the home ownership dream at the potential cost of a lower income in retirement, new research[1] shows. Over a third (35%) of millennials say they prioritise saving for a deposit on a home instead of their retirement. Nearly a fifth (19%) say buying a house is the main reason they don’t save more into their pension, while 10% say student debt stops them saving into a pension. One in 11 (9%) admits that frequently changing jobs affects their ability to make regular pension contributions. Continue reading “Millennials get real with the numbers”